Ci Crisis  intelligence

Our Today policies, Digital ethics, confidentiality and privacy,true customer care.

Policies you can count on

Policies you can count on Quality, privacy and ethics

Rules, policies, Law, Regulations

Formerly, as a business, we applied rules and policies a client can count on. Today this no longer makes any sense.

What happened to our laws?

What we used to call The Law progressively turned to a lawlessness area. Apart from influencing, this transformation was implemented mainly through Regulation Jungles, enforced as The Law by well-endoctrinated Petits Chefs.

Slowly removing rights and protections

It is all about slowly removing rights and protections guaranteed to men and women under the law, while emphasizing innumerable obligations. In such context, relying on laws to set business rules and policies is void of sense.

How to provide a meaningful framework?

Ethics can already guide us and offer what we need to build upon; Not only Ethics, but also Khowledge. Why?

Let's take the example of Privacy rules: Many people have the ethical understanding to put wonderful sentences in their privacy document, for their clients and for the people who visite their website; But very few have the knowledge to make it real. So it usually reveals as effective as a plaster on a wooden leg.

Former Privacy frameworks and more about GDPR

See our White Paper Privacy risks, how to avoid the traps

See our 2023 privacy rules, 'Information Strategies' website

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